A downloadable game for Windows

Starveland is a story of a few people, who were lucky enough to survive a storm which sank their ship. Alone on an island, they must fend for themselves and learn how to gather food and how be crafty. 

Command the survivors to collect resources, construct buildings and fight monsters. Guide them through the dangerous island to eventually build a rescue ship and return them to civilization. 

But beware! The island's resources are limited and everyone's very hungry after a day of fighting for survival.

School project made by Samuel Kubala, Lukáš  Radoský, Michal Zeliska.

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenreStrategy, Simulation, Survival


Starveland.zip 34 MB


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Veľmi dobrý koncept. Nechcete ho niekedy dokončiť/viac rozvinúť?

I used to play and make games on 8bits as a kid, so I love this game! It's a pity it has bugs that prevent me to finish games, in 4 of 8 playthroughs my people got stuck somewhere and feeding never started :( Will keep playing, it's hard and it's a great retro! Oh by the way I code games as a main job, here in Slovakia, so I am keeping fingers crossed for you guys to pursue the same career ;)

Great game, love the difficulty. The limited resources makes the game even more difficult, in a good way. I did run into a few bugs where the people wouldn't return to their homes and because of that the day won't end.

would love to see an expansion or maybe more stuff!

Ahojte, včera som videl váš projekt na prezentácií. Páči sa mi hudobné spracovanie grafika a štýl akým sa hrá :) Myslím že veľa hier na tento štýl som ešte nehral ale má to potenciál zaujať keď si k tomu človek sadne a vyskúša to :) Fakt zaujímavé, prikladám fotku trošku sa mi zabugoval stav že už bola noc ale ostal mi jeden worker na výbehu :D určite si ešte zahrám fakt super práca ak to bude na steame za nejakú akceptovateľnú sumu určite kupujem :) koľko času asi zabral vývoj ? použili ste nejaké assety zo store ? 

Ahoj, sme radi, ze sme ta zaujali. Zatial nam praca zabrala jeden skolsky semester, ale chapes mali sme popritom aj ine predmety... Vec je taka, ze je to pre nas hobby a mame pocas toho pracu aj skolu, takze nejaky termin kedy to bude hotove slubit nevieme. Ale urcite sa k tomu vo volnom case este dostaneme a ked bude done nejaka verzia, tak dame to free s moznostou donate tu na itch.io ;). Grafiku a hudbu mame vyselectovanu z Humble Bundle packov(free to use stuff), sme 3ja programatori. Ak budeme hru publishovat autorov uvedieme. Dakujeme :)

We are happy to receive any feedback here! :)